A Black Lagoon Case Study: Implementing a Full Season Algae Management Program
A large bloom of Pithophora visible on both the pond surface and blanketing the pond floor
Applicator’s Notes: A large detention basin engineered improperly resulted in this basin holding water year-round, in effect creating a very shallow retention basin. The basin is flanked by houses on two sides and the neighborhood kids like to fish in the pond. Your regular warm water fish species reside within the pond, as well as turtles, green and blue herons, and at one point, a beaver. The pond experienced massive pithophora blooms as early as March (which is rare that early) and was very difficult to control in such a shallow, hyper-eutrophic environment with conventional methods.
Species of concern: Various forms of difficult to control algae (Pithophora and Lyngbya primarily), Common Duckweed (Lemna minor), Watermeal (Wolffia spp.) and pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.)
Success Story: The applicator dove into his toolbox and developed a custom treatment regime and, after a full season implementing the custom application, the pond does not bloom as early as it used to; and blooms that do occur are able to be mitigated. The homeowners have expressed their satisfaction and we are sure the fish and wildlife are happy too.
The pond after a season of successful management!